Task 1: ICBT

In this section we report on the status and progress of the Innovative Charge Breeding Techniques (ICBT) task of the EURISOL Joint Research Activity (JRA), in the framework of the ENSAR-2 program. The progress of the ICBT JRA will be benchmarked against declared deliverables and milestones and their respective timelines. There are 2 deliverables and 1 milestone related to ICBT:


  • 1 Report on performances of the EBIS debuncher (Month 24)
  • 3 Conceptual design report of a new generation charge breeder (Month 36)


  • 2 Experiments to find the optimal breeder configuration (Month 24)

As we see, none of the deliverables/milestones were due by month 17. Nevertheless, we will take a more detailed look to each point in order to demonstrate and discuss the present status and progress made towards the final goals.